The District at Universal Boulevard- Final Thoughts

Today we took our final steps at the District as we performed the walk through to ensure everything was on par with the scope of work. Looking back to four months ago it is amazing how much ground we’ve covered, paint used and, if I may be a bit sappy here- lives changed ! We started looking at this property all the way back as early as January of this year, Josh made a few trips out there to get a look at the property and put a bid together. If I remember correctly- due to the extensiveness of the properties needs .. this bid took us 4-6 hours to produce. The average bid takes us about an hour! But with it being such a large project, Josh wanted to be sure and so did I that we had everything covered. When we found out we were awarded the property it was a huge celebration of course! Having an excuse to visit the beautiful city of Orlando is never a bad thing!

And so it began, April was here and we had painters at the buildings putting up samples. I got the pleasure of calling and organizing the apartment for the painters, storage unit, and the lift. Josh mean while handled everything else with the help of our very best MVP person Bladimir.  I got to come down there and take come before photos .you can see here:


As the months progressed, little by little all the things the property needed started getting checked off. Spanish Tile Roof Repair √, Pressure Washing √, Stucco Repair √, and more and more of the paint was being finished! When I came out a second time, the property was starting to look real good!

Our projected finish date I believe was 18 weeks from our start date. Despite weather delays / unavoidable delays outside of weather we still finished the project with 2 weeks to spare. We are so grateful for the opportunities given to us and the ability to perform at a professional levels such as this. Our painters are the best in the business and we couldn’t have done any of this with out them. I know the residents at the District are happy to have their home updated and I’m not surprised Venterra is the one to do it as they are TOP NOTCH in the property management industry. I look forward to working with them more, and taking properties to the next level one paint coat at a time 🙂

Below are some of the images from our final walk!




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